Works News Office
Name:Kv. Grimman
Location:Stockholm, Sweden
The competition proposal for this new block of housing, in the inner city of Stockholm, consists of three alternatives (two was required). In alternative A and B all the buildings in the block are demolished and replaced by new ones. These new robust buildings are designed to host many different types of apartments. In alternative C we try to contribute with a new argument to the open question of preservation of the existing buildings in the block. We want to show how the qualities of the city can be enhanced by a mixture of old and new buildings.
The general qualities in all the alternatives above are for example; facades that opens up to a generous court yard with recessed balconies to the south and west and a recessed top floor that faces the court yard and gives room to roof terraces. In all of the larger apartments the living room and kitchen is arranged around the balcony.
We prefer and suggest alternative C as the final solution, this alternative recquires some alterations in the ground floor of the existing building facing Timmermansgatan.

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