Published works (selection) |
 | MAMA, Stockholm, no. 8 1994 (Kv Prinsen) |
 | Arkitektur, Stockholm, no. 4 1995 (Kv Prinsen) |
 | Harvard Design Magazine, Cambridge, summer 1999, (Museum Gustavianum). |
 | Tidskriften Form, Stockholm, no.1 1999. (Museum Gustavianum). |
 | Deutches Arkitektur Museum, die neue Samlung, catalogue, Frankfurt am Main 1999 (Millesgården) |
 | Offentliga Rum, Stockholm, no. 4, 1999 (Millesgården) |
 | Casas International, Madrid, 1999 (von Otter summer house, villa Ysäter) |
 | Arkitektur, Stockholm, no. 8, 1999 (Millesgården) |
 | Metropolis, NY, jan 2000 (Millesgården) |
 | Arkitektur, Stockholm, no. 3 2000 (Museum of Sketches) |
 | A+U, Architecture and Urbanism, Tokyo, aug 2000 (Nobel Forum, Millesgården, von Otter Summerhouse) |
 | Architektura, Poland, no. 4, 2000 (Millesgården) |
 | Casabella, Italy, no. 690, jun 2001 (Millesgården) |
 | A+U, Architecture and Urbanism, Tokyo, july 2001 (Bonnierhuset, art gallery) |
 | Arkitektur DK, Copenhagen, apr 2002 (University College of Teachers) |
 | Arkitektur, Stockholm, no. 1 2002 (University College of Teachers) |
 | Phaidon, Atlas of Contemporary World Architecture, june 2004 (Millesgården) |
 | Arkitektur, Stockholm, no. 4 2006 (Bonnierhuset, art gallery) |
 | A 10, Amsterdam, no. 9, 2006 (Bonnierhuset, Art gallery) |
 | RUM, Stockholm, no. 3, 2008 (RU/RAÄ, Visby) |
 | Arkitektur, Stockholm, no. 7 2008 (RU/RAÄ, Visby) |
 | Architecture Today, London, no. 192, (RU, RAÄ Visby) |
 | Nordic Architects Write - A documentary anthology, London, 2008, Routledge (The Robust, The Sincere) |
 | Quo Vadis Architectura?, Helsinki, no. 3, 2010 (The Robust, the Sincere) |
 | Arkitekten, Copenhagen, no. 7, August 2010 (The Robust, the Sincere) |
 | Arkitekten, Copenhagen, no. 8, September 2010 (Interview with Johan Celsing) |
 | Arkitektur, Stockholm, no. 7, 2011 (Årsta Church) |
 | Form, Stockholm, no. 6, 2011 (Årsta Church) |
 | Arkitektur DK, Copenhagen, no. 06, 2011 (Årsta Church) |
 | Kritik, Stockholm, no. 15, 2011 (Årsta Church) |
 | Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm, Feb 16 2011 (Hotel at Djurgården) |
 | Architectural Review, UK, no. 1379, January 2012 (Årsta Church) |
 | Cosa Mentale, Paris, no. 7, January 2012 (Millesgården) |
 | ICON, UK, no. 108, June 2012 (Årsta Church) |
 | Costruire In Laterizio, IT, no.149, October 2012 (Årsta Church) |
 | Brick Bulletin, UK, Autumn 2012 (Årsta Church) |
 | Wunderkammer, Tod Williams & Billie Tsien, Yale University Press, 2013 (Exhibition at Venice Biennale) |
 | Plot, Buenos Aires, Edición especial No.3, Nov 2013 (Årsta Church) |
 | Arkitektur, Stockholm, no. 8 2013 (Kv. Embla) |
 | Arkitektur, Stockholm, no. 6, 2013 (Hotel at Djurgården) |
 | Building Design Magazine, UK, September 2013 (Hotel at Djurgården) |
 | Brick 14, Award-winning International Brick Architecture, Callwey Verlag, München, 2014 (Årsta Church) |
 | Summa+, Buenos Aires, No.137, 2014 (Årsta Church) |
 | Wettbewerbe aktuell, Germany, No.6, 2014 (Nobel Center) |
 | Architectural Review, UK, No. 1408, June 2014 (The New Crematorium at The Woodland Cemetery) |
 | Mur + Betong, Oslo, no. 3, 2014 (The New Crematorium at The Woodland Cemetery) |
 | Casabella, Italy, no. 841 September 2014 (The New Crematorium at The Woodland Cemetery) |
 | Arkitektur, Stockholm, no. 1, 2014 (The New Crematorium at The Woodland Cemetery) |
 | Baumeister, Germany, No. 11, 2014 (The New Crematorium at The Woodland Cemetery) |
 | L`Architecture d`Aujourd`hui, France, No. 402, September 2014 (The New Crematorium at The Woodland Cemetery) |
 | Werk, Bauen + Wohnen, Zürich, no. 3, 2015 (The New Crematorium at The Woodland Cemetery) |
 | Arredamento Mimarlik, Istanbul, March 2015 (The New Crematorium at The Woodland Cemetery) |
 | World Architecture Magazine, Beijing, Aug 2015 (The New Crematorium at The Woodland Cemetery) |
 | A+U, Architecture and Urbanism, Tokyo, April 2016 (Årsta Church, The New Crematorium at the Woodland Cemetery) |
 | Building Design, aug 2016, (Eastern Cemetery, Malmö, article written by Hugh Strange) |
 | Arkitektur, Stockholm, no 8, 2016 (Brick Tower, Malmö) |
 | Arkitektur, Stockholm, no 5, 2016 (Eastern cemetery, Malmö) |
 | Arkitektur, Stockholm, no. 4, 2017 (Yellow House, Mälarhöjden, Stockholm) |
 | Selected Works poster, - download pdf |
 | Arkitektur, Stockholm, no. 5, 2019 (Carolina Rediviva, Uppsala) |
 | Quo Vadis Architectura?, Helsinki, no. 8, 2020 (Plans, Metres – How the Work of Poets May Inform the Crafting of Buildings) |
 | Skissernas Museum, Lund, 2020, H. Kristenson (Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art) |
 | Resilience and Joy, Porto Academy 2013-2020, Porto, 2020, Indexnewspaper. |
 | Johan Celsing – Buildings, Texts, Zürich, 2021, Park Books. |
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